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Economic Spotlight - Steering Towards Economic Stability

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Bank of Canada Holds Rates Steady // Q1 2024

The Bank of Canada has maintained its overnight rate, signalling a period of stability since the last adjustment in July of the previous year, in light of softer inflation data. This approach highlights the central bank's dedication to guiding the economy towards its inflation targets amid indications of slowing economic activity, such as decreased domestic demand and easing wage pressures. Despite these measures to moderate economic activity, the inconsistent progress in core inflation metrics emphasizes the ongoing challenge of managing inflationary pressures, with no immediate inclination to decrease the policy rate.

In the employment sector, Canada witnessed a modest increase in jobs in February, yet this growth was insufficient to match the rise in population, leading to a slight increase in the unemployment rate. The labor market's condition is complex; while there is growth, it's not strong enough to surpass demographic trends, resulting in a tighter job market and shifting wage negotiation dynamics. This scenario, coupled with the Bank of Canada's cautious monetary stance, suggests a period of economic adjustment ahead.

In conclusion, the combination of a softening economic environment and reducing inflation pressures is expected to set the stage for the Bank of Canada to begin gradual interest rate reductions starting in June.

Stay tuned for updates as we monitor these developments closely.

Source – RBC Economics*

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